
Bonsai celtis hackberry 1-15

€350.00 TTC
Data sheet

The hackberry bonsai "celtis australis", with its massive appearance, develops small leaves and a particularly majestic trunk. Easy to grow, it is suitable for both beginners and the most experienced bonsaikas.

+ Location: outside, to be protected from frost

+ Age: 30 years old

+ Foliage: Deciduous; small, shiny green leaves that turn pale yellow in autumn

Waist 65 cm
Location Outside but to protect from the freeze
Age 35 ans
Foliage Deciduous
Height Entre 40 et 80 cm
More information

Hackberry in bonsai

Celtis is a subtropical species with a mild temperate climate . It belongs to the Cannabaceae family. It is resistant to pollution and is used to make city alignments

Growing Tips

Location : accustomed to the warm climate, it likes full sun but during the summer, choose a semi-shaded pitch. In winter, keep it outside but protect the roots from heavy frosts as it does not tolerate prolonged frost periods (location: cold greenhouse or pot protection with winter fleece/glass wool)

Watering : abundant during hot weather, the rest of the time water when the top of the substrate is dry. Do not allow the root ball to dry out completely.

Substrate and repotting : In the nursery, we use agricultural potting soil composed of black peat, blond peat, eco-aged, topsoil, horse manure, pozzolana. Repotting is done about every 2/3 years in the spring

Pruning : In winter, remove unnecessary branches by chewing the cuts. During the growing season, prune the shoot green.

Fertilization : Universal blue fertilizer (NPK 12 12 17) from May to October every 2 months
