bonsaï nursery
Jacques Galinou discovered bonsai some forty years ago, initially as an importer, but he then had the opportunity to travel around Asia (China, Taiwan, Japan). During the meteoric rise of these countries, he rubbed shoulders with many nurserymen and quickly realised how difficult it was to import certain varieties. The idea then arose to sow and plant, to ensure Europe's own production!
Made in France" production
For 30 years now, all the bonsaï have been sown and grown at the nursery in Lot-et-Garonne. This company, rooted in family tradition, is continuing to develop with the arrival of its daughter, Valentine.

"In our bonsai nursery, we see ourselves first and foremost as farmers with horticultural training. We are growers, and that's what sets us apart from other bonsai professionals. We prefer to develop local production, from seedlings or cuttings.
This allows us to have total control over what we do as well as having perfectly acclimatised trees when they come to your home."

Many of the trees in the nursery have been grown in the ground for years, giving them time to develop a good-sized trunk and carpenter branches.

On the few hectares under cultivation, production is quite diversified. Maples (Palmatum, Kyohime, Tridents, Shishigashira, Kotohime, Pourprea, Orange dream, etc.), black pines, white pines, junipers, oaks, myrtles, loropetalums, Chinese elms, olive trees, azaleas and meta-sequoias.
The nursery also offers a wide range of garden trees!
"Whether you're a beginner or an experienced bonsaika, we're bound to have a bonsai that you'll love and that will look great in your home."

Online sales
Since 2019, the nursery has created an online site where you can choose your bonsai and have it delivered directly to your home!
Each product is unique!
The photos are contractual, the bonsai you see in the photo is really the one you will receive.
Once you've made your purchase, our team will take care of the delicate packaging. Tailor-made packages, made from wood and recycled materials, guarantee protection and ensure the safety of the trees during transport.
Deliveries are made throughout France and neighbouring EU countries.
Direct sales
You can also buy your bonsai directly from our nursery, see contact details below.
Our nursery
We offer you a sales area
which includes :
- All the bonsai and niwaki trees
on our online sales site
- Pottery + more choice in shop
than the online site
Monday to friday from 8h to 17h
Saturday from 10am to 12pm
Bonsaï Galinou
195 route de Sainte Étienne
Lieu-dit "Le Pin"
47110 Sainte-Livrade-sur-Lot
06 24 80 64 65